online group therapy For health anxiety

This support group might be right for you if you:

  • Worry about your health a lot

  • Are often very vigilant about bodily sensations and symptoms

  • Cannot shake the feeling that something is (or will be) wrong with you

  • Still struggle with COVID-19 exposure and risk

  • Feel that worries about your health take over your thoughts and crowd everything else out

  • Want to feel at peace about health and wellness

This online support group will teach you tools you can use to take control of your health worries and the strength and support that comes from knowing that you are not alone in this.

The group will take place weekly on Zoom,
Wednesdays from 1:00pm -2:15pm

Session Dates:
April 2, 10, 17, 24,
May 1, 8, 15, 29
June 5, 12, 19, 26
$280/4 week session

*Participants must be located in New York, Florida or Vermont

Each participant will receive a free copy of
The Health Anxiety Workbook

“This has helped me process through my health anxiety and help me regulate my thoughts! Loved this book” - Amazon Review

Please fill out this form or email for more information or to schedule an assessment call to determine if the group is a good fit for you.